Financial ratios are proven to provide insights of the financial performance of companies, by analysing the financial ratios you will be able to unlock the hidden information not disclosed by the management or at many times not disclosed clearly in the audited financials.
Financial ratios analysis will provide a powerful tool to know what went wrong and what went right in the company. This is essential for your analysis to spot the areas of strength and weaknesses of the financial performance.

We have selected four types of ratios in Fintibi

  1. Liquidity Ratios: 4 ratios
  2. Leverage Ratios: 12 ratios
  3. Activity Ratios: 13 ratios
  4. Profitability Ratios: 16 ratios

We have selected the latest trend and the most consensus in calculating the ratios, although we understand that some analysts would calculate some financial ratios differently but we have chosen to select the consensus calculation.
Fintibi will show how each ratio is calculated, you will gain more insight on the significant figures that impacted the ratio

finacial ratio